Monday, December 16, 2019


Countdown Til Summer

Seems summery but we're actually in the last days of spring.  A late spring shower would be refreshing for the forest and welcomed by ME!

I've fallen off the blog-a-day challenge, although I've not fallen off writing completely; having just transcribed all I've dictated both while driving and taking a walk for my upcoming book.

Ah, the writing of this book!  I'm allowing it to just "BE" and type in what I've spoken in reflective moments initially inspired by listening to Michelle Obama's "Becoming" while driving to my mother's funeral a few states away.  Not editing as I go, not correcting run on sentences, I'm learning even MORE about myself not just by listening to my voice and the content, but by how it makes me feel to hear this stuff back.  Journals are time machines into aspects of ourselves that are in the past.  It brings you right up and in that time, that mind-set.        

Saturday, June 1, 2019

STORM A-Brewing

Storm coming in

There's a storm coming in this Saturday evening, on the First of June.

I've had a lovely sushi dinner with a lady friend close to my heart.
Yes, saki has been had.  I'm feeling the buzz and relaxed in my lovely
sanctuary of a cabin.

As it's a blog-a-day, although not much to write/share, I am writing/sharing
because it's my 'self-challenge' and I won't not write.

I love seeing the dark clouds boil in the sky and the wind in the trees blow
the leaves and stir all who are out in the elements.

It was a hot afternoon, first day of switching on my a/c to cool things off.
The canvas is on my easel, and I'm ready to paint some imaginative strokes
of my brush from the infinite creative mind.

There's nothing more to say, really.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

First Post in the "Cafe"

Well, first RECENT post, anyway.  Getting ALL MY BLOGS activated with posts.  

The "Cafe" seems appropriate to use today, this glorious Saturday spring day, a nice chill in the air (coupled with thick mosquito action most of the day), and birds all singing their mating calls.

Listening to Insane Productivity by Darren Hardy for the 3rd time through, doing the 'rinse & repeat' method, which I will be doing the rest of my life.  I'm on the 3rd of 12 modules and it IS an ass kicker to fill out the digital addiction form HONESTLY (from module 2) and decide which 3 addictions I'm going to start omitting for an entire week (and see if I still actually LIVE) - the good news is,
I will probably actually START LIVING REAL LIFE when I do omit this kryptonite in my life.

First thing, as you may have noticed - I'm off Facebook mostly - some of you may notice I've not LIKED your daily contributions or watched all the videos you've posted.  It's not that I didn't love them or lost interest in you and your life or think your posts aren't cool, because they are....but rather than WATCH YOUR LIFE, I've decided to CREATE MINE FULLY.  

Yahoo News is another kryptonite.  I admit, I love that shit.  And it IS shit.  Fills my consciousness with grisly murders and when the perp gets caught and what happens to the family and the perp, etc.  Then...there's the commentary following - - - OMG, it used to be entertaining, on some of the news stories, but the haters come out in force and participating in this, I have immersed myself in the bottom of the barrel of humanity - which initially was, well, interesting to note, but then scary to realize, and even worse, it took a toll on my positive outlook, my personal empowerment and a host of other life and light robbing stuff.  I don't watch CNN or other news so it blasts my face (don't have TV or cable or any of that) - but reading this stuff is just as bad.

So- it's OVER.  I've got a lot of work to do and it's going to take a boatload of energy to actually WORK OUT EVERY DAY.  Why?  Because I am lazy and still look good with clothes on.  The grace period I had of long, grueling hikes and really pushing myself is over - I'm still flexible and don't eat junk food.....but core strength is something I must regain, and doing my 5 squats (barely) each day is hardly a work out.

So this is my own accountability form right here in the form of writing this blog.  Whether anyone reads it or not is not the point, because the dopamine hit we all get from LIKES on our FB posts isn't as big a deal for me as some people - it is a little deal, but not THAT big. Being it IS a 'little deal' go on ahead and read the blog and hit LIKE and make a comment on my page where I post this.  (wink/grin)

So I'm going to #betheexception and forge on with forgiveness for having been living sort of #thesluglife.