Monday, December 16, 2019


Countdown Til Summer

Seems summery but we're actually in the last days of spring.  A late spring shower would be refreshing for the forest and welcomed by ME!

I've fallen off the blog-a-day challenge, although I've not fallen off writing completely; having just transcribed all I've dictated both while driving and taking a walk for my upcoming book.

Ah, the writing of this book!  I'm allowing it to just "BE" and type in what I've spoken in reflective moments initially inspired by listening to Michelle Obama's "Becoming" while driving to my mother's funeral a few states away.  Not editing as I go, not correcting run on sentences, I'm learning even MORE about myself not just by listening to my voice and the content, but by how it makes me feel to hear this stuff back.  Journals are time machines into aspects of ourselves that are in the past.  It brings you right up and in that time, that mind-set.