Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm BACK ! ! !


Love to type in large print for all my fans that don't want to wear their annoying as glasses can be, or rather, the inability to see without them, I have great appreciation for the invention of said spectacles.  I mean, what did they do in the old days?

I also love writing in color, there are so many plain looking blogs out there that although they may be packed with humor, information we want to know, or rants we can relate to, well, it's just another shade of grey without pizzazz.  I for one, LOVE pizzazz.  And hey, it's MY BLOG, so I'm pizzazzing it up folks - all for my entertainment as I write, and your entertainment as you read.

So who all in my reading fan-base, of which I know is up to the thousands by now, is a grandmother?  Who, of you grandmothers was a single-mom?  Who of you single moms did it ALL ALONE with NO SUPPORT of any kind from the father(s) of your child(ren)?  I'd like to hear from you.  How did you survive?  What did you tell your kid(s) when asked where dad is and why does he not choose to be part of the family or take them for ice cream?

I'd like to hear from you.  I'd like to give you a platform to tell your story.  How many of you would like to be part of a book that would include YOUR STORY as a single parent and how you did it?  I'm taking a poll here, and your comments will be appreciated and I will reply to each & every one.

What dreams did you harbor as you scurried between jobs and driving your kid(s) to school and juggle all that was involved in the upbringing of your child(ren)?  Did you allow yourself to dream?  Did you spend anytime at all working on or playing with that dream?
Did you teach your children that to dream was a great thing and did you encourage them to dream and expand outside the box and use their imagination?  Did you use your imagination?

And last but not least, how did your kid(s) turn out?  Was your effort rewarded with cool kids or are you dealing with regrets and burdens from thinking you didn't 'do it right'?  Do your grandkids adore you?  Are you overwhelmed with babysitting them all the time and still don't get to pursue your dream-life?  How did YOU turn out?  Are you happy with who you are now that the kid(s) are grown and parenthood is not any longer a demanding role?

I truly want to hear from you.....put it in comments below.....include a picture if you'd like.  Let's turn you from a fan to a friend and if I hear from enough of you, we could put a book together that will inspire those of us that either survived, barely survived or didn't think we even DID survive the long road of single parenting!  My hat's off to you, no matter HOW YOU TURNED OUT!  If you're reading this, then you're pulling it off.