Friday, February 3, 2012


KIDS, it's time for a change! Time to get OFF that Facebook network and get you all to visit my website, blogs & videos.

I will not have the once friendly network take my every click and make money off of me and use me to add spam to my friends' lives and have my friends' clicks, likes & dislikes add spam and marketing bullshit to my life.

We must take a stand, and this is my way of doing it. Besides, friends, my website is MUCH MORE FUN to look at, it's so perty! You can view my galleries like taking a stroll through an art gallery. You can subscribe to my videos which will I'll be creating a whole new version of starting next week.

ave NUES will be the new video series. It's a pun using the abc NEWS logo, only we're gonna revamp it a bit so I don't get slapped with a lawsuit, and rather than NEWS it'll be NUES - we all know it's pronounced the same, but Ave's "NUES" will be so much more fun to read. We will not add to the fear base already with a stronghold on the planet, we will add to humor, guide you to a better way so you may enjoy your life. You will be encouraged to be a bright speck on the planet rather than be filled with bad news that adds to the collective doom and gloom mentality which bestows hopelessness and despair.

Remember, the powers that be are intent on taking us all down: divide and conquer. Feeding us terrorized animals raised on chemicals and treated with cruelty and disregard for their feelings and lives, and vegetables and fruits sprayed with poisons that contain no nutrients and they will have us where they want us....and they are succeeding with the masses.

WE MUST TAKE A STAND by what we feed ourselves and our children. It takes more time to read labels and it costs more money to buy organically grown foods, and it takes a lot more discipline to wean away from the diet of flesh that we were mostly all raised with, BUT IT CAN BE DONE.

All that said, you may ask any question in the comments section and I will address it to my best ability. Who knows, my blogs may turn into a column to assist with individual re-empowerment. My life is to continue the service that I raised my children with, teaching them about Spirit, their own empowerment and nutrition, REAL NUTRITION. I didn't feed them any packaged foods when they were young, and yes, that will be a challenge to transition into if you are currently too busy to cut up apples for your youngster than flip that pop tart into the toaster. I WILL HELP YOU. I will make you laugh.

WARNING: I have a dry and sarcastic sense of humor that sometimes may be mistaken to be ranting negativity - but with this knowledge, you can LAUGH when this comes up, rather than think I'm being negative. I'm making puns on negativity itself. THAT SAID, let the fun begin!


  1. the 'ave NUES' series will be videos you will be able to watch on You Tube simply by hitting the "videos" button on my home page. In the paragraph above I wrote about 'reading' aveNues, which was a typo. However, I'm considering making my blogs be the written form of aveNues to compliment the videos. But PLEASE JOIN IN FOR THE FUN. Our communication does not have to end when I deactivate that FACEBOOK account! LOVE TO ALL!
